Sunday, October 29, 2006

Want a puppy...

or two?? My friend, Wendy, has two adorable 12 week old Golden retriever/Welsh Springer spaniel/Lab mix puppies. She’s selling them for $175 each to cover the shots and other vet care they’ve already received. She’d love for them to go to the same home, but they don’t have to. They’re very sweet and love to retrieve. Any takers?


Unknown said...

You and Lisa are tempting me too much to adopt animals...

Where did she get them?

beth said...

I'm not sure where she got them...someone she knew from school had them and was going to take them to the pound and Wendy couldn't bear the thought...They're really sweet! Does David like dogs?!

Unknown said...

He does like dogs, but we both agree that I have enough people to clean up after and potty-train right now. :-)